This should be my motto EVERY DAY
It's everywhere, everyday, sometimes all day. Some people ooze it, some people just have resting bitch face but we take it personally, and some people live to see it affect others.
Take for instance- Westboro Baptist Church. A Church. With one hell of a negative message. **Disclaimer, the following quotes do not belong to the writer of this blog and it pains me to even write it out... images would have been worse **
God h8s fags... Thank God for dead soldiers... God hates you... The Jews killed Jesus- God hates Israel
God has no ability to hate. He doesn't hate anyone. He even says that if you repent and are truly sorry, you will be forgiven- he doesn't make any exceptions to this rule. To elaborate on these [weird IMO] people- in case you are unfamiliar- this so-called "church" demonstrates hate-filled protests of military -AND NOW ALSO THE VICTIMS OF THE WORST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICAN HISTORY- funerals.... they believe any misfortune on Americans is God's punishment for society's tolerance of homosexuality- because they have an utter intolerance for gay people. What's funny is, that I have only heard things like "fire and brimstone" when God was upset with humanity - the ruin of Sodom and Gomorrah is a great example. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah became THE example in the Bible of how God judges sin. “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before Me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen” (Ezekiel 16:49-50). I didn't think that God inflicts punishment on other, uninvolved innocent people when certain/specific people f**k up....
Thank you thank you thank you to Orlando's
Shakespeare Theater who acted as counter-demonstrators dressed as angels and using their
beautiful white wings to shield mourners from anti-gay protesters near the
funeral service. The Theater company surrounded
Westboro protestors by dozens of flowing white angel costumes with 10-foot wingspans
rising seven feet high. The angels turned their backs on the negativity, smiled
and silently blocked them from the views of those attending the funeral. No one should be confronted with negativity while they are
mourning the loss of their loved one. I wonder if the (lack of) funeral for
Westboro Baptist church's founder Fred Phelps had any demonstrators?
Maybe that's why they didn't have one...
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